“What’s going on at the airport?” I looked down at my phone and saw the text message was from one of my coworkers from a group chat. “Someone tried to jump”, another colleague of mine replied. The next text message popped up on my screen from another coworker. “0MG, who was it?” The text messages went back and forth, as we tried to figure out who this person could be and what exactly happened. To my dismay, I discovered that it was a successful suicide attempt. I stood there in disbelief and shock, wondering what would I have done if I was at work that day. I just couldn’t believe it, that a fellow coworker of mine would plunge to his own death from the tenth floor of a hotel balcony at my local airport. What was going on in his mind? Sadly, there are people like him everyday who struggle with depression and anxiety to the point where eventually it destroys them. I have friends and know people that struggle with it on a daily basis. I am no expert on the disease of depression and if that is you, I want to encourage you that there is nothing wrong with seeking medical attention and therapy. Please, if that is you, do whatever you can to get the help you need. But for most of us, we may not require medical attention but from time to time we encounter moments of depression and fear. Whenever we encounter these feelings, they can be like giants coming against us, ready to devour us. They can also halt us in our tracks from moving forward in life. I had a moment like this just the other day. I’ve been moving forward in a particular area of my life and it’s been amazing to see God work. However, sometimes life happens and doubts creep in trying to slow down God’s work and the next thing I know, I’m looking up at the Giant of Fear and Depression. They just stood there blocking my path of victory and soon it became no longer a path of victory but a path of uncertainty. The Giants just laughed at me and taunted me all day. I felt frozen in my tracks, overwhelmed with worry. Later that day, I sent out a helpline to a few friends who I know are prayer warriors. I asked them to battle with me in prayer and they did. Later that day, I took my three year old son for a walk at the Waterfront Park. As I pushed him in the stroller, I was just listening to worship music trying to hear from God. I was getting nothing from Him but I kept pressing in. Then I heard it. It wasn’t coming from the worship music but it was coming from my own son. I took off my headphones just to hear what this youngster of mine was shouting out. I listened and as I heard him, I started to get the goosebumps. My son was shouting with such fervor over and over and over. He cried out at the top of his three year old lungs, “You scared? No not me! You scared? No, not me! You scared? No, not me!”. He wouldn’t stop, he would yell it out with such passion to every jogger and bicyclist that passed us by. I guess, he wanted to let the whole world know. It was at that moment, I realized, it wasn’t a message for the whole world, it was a message for me. God my Father was speaking through my son. God was reminding me that I need not be afraid but to remember that He is not scared. Where my faith fails, His faith will see me through. Then I thought of my son, he reminded me of the child like warrior David from the Bible. David was just a boy but he had more faith than any of the hundreds of Israelite men did that day when they faced the giant Goliath. All of them were shaking in their armor that day but David faced him with the living God. He shouted out affirmations to Goliath that he was going to be defeated. Look at the passage in scripture where David is talking to Goliath. Notice what he says in 1 Samuel 17:45-47.
45 “Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head. And I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, 47 and that all this assembly may know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give you into our hand.”
Did you notice it? The word “will” is used over and over. “I will strike you down”, “he will give you into our hand.” David spoke out and confessed declarations against his giant. He didn’t say the words if or maybe. No, he declared it confidently boasting in His God saying that it would be done. You and I face giants everyday and if not today, don’t worry they will come. The giants have different names too from Fear, Depression, Anxiety, but whatever the giant, my encouragement to you is this. Remember, as believers the same God of David is our God too. He is bigger than any giant that comes our way. Declare your victory with confidence, believing it’s already accomplished. Not that it might be done but that it will be done. And when He delivers us and we’re standing over our giant, remember to give Him the praise, for it’s all for His glory anyway. What is it that’s coming against you from seeing the promises of God fulfilled in your life? Rise up warrior child and declare your victory! Listen, do you hear it? It’s the sweet sound of triumph coming from the mouth of a babe. “You scared? No not me! You scared? No, not me!” May this be our battle cry!
1 Samuel 17:50
50 So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him.