Hebrews 6:1

Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God.”


“Sometimes I feel like an idiot.  But I am an idiot, so it kinda works out.”  Ring a bell?  It’s a quote from a slapstick comedy back in the nineties called Billy Madison.  Adam Sandler played a grown man in his late twenties who had never finished passing his primary education.  In order to inherit his father’s chain of hotels, he had to prove it to his father he was mature enough by going back to elementary school.  The movie became a classic comedy hit and put Adam Sandler on the map as he played a goofy immature man child.  Just the thought of seeing a grown man sitting in a desk built for a five year old just would make anyone laugh.  I have never seen the movie nor am I endorsing anyone to see it.  However,  I bring up the movie because I think it’s a perfect visual of how Christians today do the same thing.  We discover the new covenant truths of Jesus but instead of embracing them we go back to old covenant ways of living and instead look like a bunch of Billy Madisons playing doge ball with a bunch of five year old kids at school recess.    

The Hebrew Christian Jews were doing the same thing.   They received and believed the gospel, they were enlightened, tasted the heavenly gift and were partakers of the Holy Spirit, tasted the good word of God(Jesus),  Hebrews 4:4-5.   However, the author of Hebrews was exhorting them to not go back to the old ways of being made right with God.  For He says in Hebrews 4:6, “and then have fallen away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance.”  Basically, he was telling them it was impossible for them to get saved again, get forgiven again, be made right with God again by going back to Old Covenant ways of doing things.  Stop sacrificing bulls and goats, you are already forgiven and made right with God because of Christ’s one time only sacrifice, Hebrews 10:10.   He’s basically telling them, you’re an adult, you got a job, you drive a car, you own a house, you have kids, stop packing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches into your Star Wars lunch box that you had when you were five and quit going back to kindergarten learning how to read and write your name again.  It’s not going to get you anywhere and do you any good!  And of course they were agricultural people so he compares these Christians to two different lands, Hebrews 4: 7-8.  The land that produces thorns and thistles, that is a Christian that is trying to go back to elementary school to earn God’s love and favor and that is never going to produce life or be useful.  But a Christian who presses on to maturity by resting in the finished work of Jesus and who lives by faith not dependent on their own works to earn favor, blessings or anything from the Lord, that person will be a piece of land that will bear much fruit. 

Today as Christians we can go back to the law to old covenant thinking.  No, we don’t sacrifice our pets, but instead we who know we are saved by grace turn sanctification into a work.  It’s something we have to do to become when all that is doing is putting us back in grade school stuck on our ABC’s and 123’s.  Yes, read your Bible, pray and fast if you want but don’t do those things to try and be made right with God or get Him to like you more or bless you.  You do those things to remind you that you already are good with God, holy, acceptable and pleasing and fully blessed because “by his will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus once and for all”, Hebrews 10:10.  It is finished, Christ did the work, now live from that place of being sanctified and already blessed, Ephesians 1:3.  Don’t fall back, with man it is impossible but with God all things are possible. 

So, the next time you’re tempted to go back to school to prove to your heavenly father you deserve your inheritance, just remember you got your degree.  Jesus did all the work, passed the test, got the P.H.D, received the diploma and put your name on it.  Your inheritance is free because He paid the price with His blood.  Now leave kindergarten ways behind, stop trying to work to prove your saved, keep your salvation, stay in fellowship with God, and try to earn his blessings by your good behavior.  All of that is our way of sacrificing bulls and goats and it’s impossible to grow spiritually with a bull and goat mentality.  Sadly, most Christians set aside their maturity for elementary stuff.  Instead of teaching, they are the ones being taught.  Thinking we are getting somewhere, we end up stuck on the ABC’s, The BIG TEN of MOSES.   Forgetting that we graduated through grace, we sit in our classrooms anyway.  We strive to be the first to be noticed, as we raise our hands up high to answer the questions.  “If only the teacher would pick me, I’m pretty good, I know the answers”, we tell ourselves.  And on and on we go, thinking we are all that as we recite our flash cards about the different types of colors there are over and over, “Red, Blue, Yellow!”  Maybe just maybe we think I might get that gold sticker after all.